Cambridgeshire DTL 2024

21st April

Today Cambs were at the The Priory Clay Target Centre for a joint DTL county shoot alongside Norfolk. Familiar faces, and even the sun, occasionally, were seen out and about.

It was windy, which made targets very challenging, but some great scores were still entered by the end of the day, well done all.

For those who shot today, teams for the Intercounties DTL will be announced later in the year.

Congratulations to:

Phil Barnard Overall Champion and AA class
Gary Thatcher takes Vet’s,
Hazel Morris takes Ladies’, and B class
Richard Morris takes Men’s.
Chris Morris A class
Ian Larman C class

Full results on the CPSA website here

Massive thank you to The Priory for hosting again, as well as our thanks to the referees.

Cambridgeshire DTL 2023

It was a tough day for competitors shooting the Cambridgeshire DTL at The Priory Clay Target Centre on 23 July. 

There was a fantastic turnout and with an added bonus of the ‘miss money pot’ competition. Cloudy with occasional sun, but the wind was having a big influence on the clays.

The Overall champion and A Class winner was Steve Eley with a well earnt 96/284; the Men’s and AA class winner was Phil Barnard with 96/276; Veteran and B Class went to Jem Knight with 95/272 and Ladies and C class winner was Georgina Chamberlain with 93/274. 

Very close scores on a tough day. Congratulations to the winners and well done to all who took part. Full results here.

The Miss Money Pot – shooters pay into a pot with half the money going to the county and half repaid as prize money. 

The number of the first clay each shooter misses goes into a hat and the number drawn out of the hat at the end of the day wins the pot. 

The number drawn out was 1. 

There was a tie as seven shooters had missed their first target.  

Rather than split the money the 7 names were put in a hat and the winner of the pot was Gavin Dunbavin.

As always, the competition was masterfully hosted by the wonderful Priory, and our thanks go to all the clubhouse staff, groundsmen and referees.

Cambridgeshire DTL Championship 2022

Priory Clay Target Centre, 15th May 2022

There were some decent scores on the board, and Philip Barnard drew level with Steve Kirby on a 93 to force a shoot off!

During a tense round Phil dropped two barrels. Steve went on to drop a whole target. Phil barrelled another one, and at the end of the round it was level again! 

They then went on to a single barrel shoot off and Steve came out on top with a straight 25 whilst Phil dropped 2 to end on 23. 

The final results were as follows.

Overall ChampionSteve Kirby98/293+24/92+25
Mens’ ChampionPhil Barnard100/293+25/92+23
Vets’ ChampionSteve Eley97/285
Ladies’ ChampionFran Jacobs82/228
AASteve Kirby98/293
AChris Morris98/291
BGary Thatcher93/264
CBruce Cain95/279

[Webmaster] An honourable mention also goes to Richard Morris for 100/289

Well done to all who came and thank you the team at the Priory for putting on a good shoot!

Full results here

DTL – the first of the 2021 Championships

The Cambridgeshire DTL championships were held at The Priory CTC on 17th and 18th April 2021.

County Champion + AA ClassJ Sharpstone100/294
Men’s ChampionP J Barnard99/291
A ClassS Kirby97/285
Veterans’ ChampionT Jones94/274
Ladies’ Champion + B ClassH Whiten93/272
C ClassS James88/251
Colts’ ChampionE Lord80/227

For full results, check


DTL 28/6/2020

Champion and A class S KIRBY

Steve Kirby, winner Cambs DTL 2020

Senior and AA class P J Barnard

Veterans R J Croft

Ladies H Whiten

Colts E Lord

B class J Harrison

C class G Thatcher

Sportrap 2/8/2020

Champion T Leonard  95

Veterans A Stronge  90

Ladies G Moule 87

Junior E Lord. 67

ESK  8/8/2020

Bev Waller cup

John Glover 100

Champion S Smith  98

Veterans P Cook  97

Senior CAJ Morris  96

Junior E Lord  96

Cambridgeshire DTL

The 20th Aug was the eagerly awaited Cambs DTL Championship held over 4 layouts at Cambridge Gun Club.  Cambridgeshire fielded its top shooters, all looking to be the next DTL Champion. But there is only room for one and it was soon evident that the early score of 299 put in by Richard Morris was going to be enough to crown him Cambridgeshire DTL Champion for 2017. The other places went to Chris Morris (Richard’s Dad) taking the Seniors and A class with a 293.  The Ladies went to Hazel Whiten with a 286, so far all the honours are going home in the same car! The Vets went to Gordon Webster 287, Junior title to Taylor Hedgecock 287 and Colts to Archie Bowman 252

Champion Richard Morris 100/299

Senior Champion Chris Morris 99/293

Vets Champion   Gordon Webster 97/287

Junior Champion Taylor Hedgecock 98/287

Ladies Champion Hazel Whiten     97/286

Colt Champion Archie Bowman    90/252

Class winners:

AA  Matt Sheldrake
A  Chris Morris
B  Phil Barnard
C Gordon Tate


Name CPSA No. Hits Points Class Category
Morris R 111934 100 299 AA SNR
Morris CAJ 103791 99 293 A SNR
Sheldrake M 129704 98 292 AA SNR
Kirby S 95341 98 289 AA SNR
Barnard PJ 34389 99 289 B SNR
McLean DW 124811 98 289 AA SNR
Hedgecock T 116977 98 287 B JNR
Adams M 126882 98 287 B SNR
Webster G 56662 97 287 A VET
Whiten H 111933 97 286 B LDY
Peacock RW 5074 96 284 A VET
Eley S 125207 96 283 B SNR
Collins MD 111404 95 282 B VET
Tate G 48253 96 281 C VET
Jacobs BJ 56060 93 277 B VET
James S 11197 92 263 C VET
Whitworth M 134623 89 263 C VET
Jacobs FA 96394 89 261 C LDV
Russell JD 11796 87 260 B VET
Wright AW 100 88 260 B VET
Pilcher KDA 128398 90 259 C SNR
Pereira J 128244 90 257 C SNR
Bowman A 132368 90 252 C CLT
Barnard C 120378 87 243 C SNR
Hedgecock A 132337 84 242 C LDC
Manchett S 110886 85 232 C SNR
Hegarty J 132723 72 204 C LDY

Full results including non-Cambridgeshire shooters are here.