Those who have been following the results will not be surprised to learn that Phil Barnard has won the Supreme Champion title – something he has achieved every year of the competition since 2019. This year he managed to average a remarkable 92.5 across 6 disciplines! Tim Jones takes the Veterans’ title.
No Seniors (other than Phil), Ladies, Juniors or Colts shot the qualifying six county championships – something to aim for in 2025 perhaps?
Well that’s the last of the Cambridgeshire championships for 2024 done. Well shot to all the winners. Our thanks go to all the grounds that held our championships this year; the committee is looking forward to sorting out the next year’s.
Special thanks go to The Priory for holding the majority of them for us this year.
We were back again to have the handicap by distance at The Priory Clay Target Centre this is a fairly new competition for Cambridgeshire, but has been going for the last 3 years so a fair attendance. The birds were looking great till we all shot them – seems its not as easy as we all think! Scores were very close all over.
Thanks to priory for setting it all up for us and looking after us all again.
We started back with the All Round on the Sunday 14th July 2024. Seemed like summer had finally arrived with bright sunshine and almost no wind – just a gentle breeze to help keep your temperature down to a reasonable level. Not the entry we were properly hoping for, but with great targets and a sunny day we all seemed to enjoy the competition.
Thanks to priory for hosting once again and providing us with great targets to test us all.
We were at Sporting Targets today for the Cambridgeshire Sportrap. After a short spell of morning fog, the sun came out to give us all a wonderful bright and sunny day – perfect for shooting. Great range of targets were before us, but the combinations made some harder than they looked at first sight. Well done to all the competitors.
Our thanks once again go to the scorers and staff for the organisation and help to make the shoot a success – thanks to you all.
To top it all off for the bank holiday weekend we held the Cambridgeshire sporting at Sporting Targets on Monday good sunshine for the most of the day just a slight drizzle at the end of the day to catch the last of the squads.
Thanks to all the staff and refs for making it a successful day.
The weekend of 4th and the 5th of May was probably the best weekend of the year (so far) and the weather was ideal i.e. sunny, dry, little wind on the Saturday, hardly any on the Sunday, for the Cambridgeshire 2024 English Skeet Championship kindly hosted by the Priory Clay Target Centre at Sutton Bridge, Lincolnshire.
Very good scores were recorded on both days by most participants with Albert Taylor achieving the championship title with a fantastic score of 99, well done Albert – also netting him the A Class Trophy
Philip Barnard took both the “AA” Class title along with the Men’s shield with a score of 97.
Peter Cook won the Veteran’s trophy with a 96.
“B” Class winner was Cambridgeshire CPSA Chairman Tim Jones also on 96.
“C” Class was won by Tony Randall with an 88.
Sadly no ladies or juniors entered.
The Lincolnshire Skeet Championship was also held on this weekend and the Bev Waller perpetual trophy was contested by both Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire top shooters Albert Taylor, Tony Woodrow and Doug Moore with Doug emerging victorious after a tense shoot off.
Thanks very much to the Priory Clay Target Centre for an excellent shoot, all of the staff and the referees for a very well-run competition.
The Young Shooters Day took place today at The Priory CTC. Not the warmest of days but an enjoyable one. The purpose of the day was to give young shooters the opportunity to try different disciplines to the ones they generally shoot. They started off with a round of skeet and then moved on to DTL and then tried their hand at ABT, with surprisingly good results for shooting this challenging discipline for the first time. The day finished with another round of skeet. All those taking part shot very well and the scores picked up through the day showing that they had taken on board the tips of those helping to run the day.
Thanks go to Marcus Lord and Ian Larman who very kindly provided all the cartridges for the participants. Thank you to all the coaches and helpers on the day and to members of the Cambs Committee for organising the event and to the CPSA who provided some merchandise which I added to with some towels and gun barrel sleeves. Our thanks also Natasha, Aaron and John at The Priory for hosting and supporting the event.
I hope that the young shooters who took part enjoyed the day and gained an insight and confidence in disciplines new to them and hope to see them at future shoots.
The Cambridgeshire English Skeet Championship at The Priory Clay Target Centre has been extended – you can now book on for Saturday 4th as well as Sunday 5th. And a reminder that the English Sporting is on Monday 6th at Sporting Targets, so do get booked on there ASAP.