10th March 2024, Nuthampstead Shooting Ground
We were greeted with some foul weather for our second Cambridgeshire Shoot of the season – 100 ABT at Nuthampstead Shooting ground on Sunday – and it didn’t ease up all day.
Despite the weather conditions however, 13 Cambridge shooters took on the challenge and after some fine shooting Philip Barnard once again came away with the ABT Championship Trophy. Scoring 91 ex 100, Jane Bell shot well to win the ladies trophy with a 77 and Gary Thatcher took the Veterans’ and Mens’ title with an 89.
We had no juniors or colts shooting the competition his time, perhaps next year some young shooters will take up the challenge?
Our collective thanks go to the team at Nuthamsptead for looking after us all so well and keeping us dry.
Full results here.