Cambridgeshire Supreme Champion 2024

Those who have been following the results will not be surprised to learn that Phil Barnard has won the Supreme Champion title – something he has achieved every year of the competition since 2019. This year he managed to average a remarkable 92.5 across 6 disciplines! Tim Jones takes the Veterans’ title.

No Seniors (other than Phil), Ladies, Juniors or Colts shot the qualifying six county championships – something to aim for in 2025 perhaps?

Full details here.

Supreme Champion 2022

The calculations for the 2022 Cambridgeshire Supreme Champion have been done. Congratulations to Phil Barnard for his four consecutive win! Full details here.

Coincidentally, the same number of Cambridgeshire shooters (168) took part this year as last year in the championships that go towards the title:

2020 Supreme Champion Result

With the last championship of the year having been shot just before lockdown kicks in, we now have the results of the Cambridgeshire Supreme Championship. This competition takes shooters’ best 6 scores from the 9 domestic discplines to determine the winner.

Phil Barnard, Supreme Champion 2020
Phil Barnard, Supreme Champion

Phil Barnard has once again won the overall title scoring 540 points, 26 points clear of the Veteran champion Gary Thatcher. The Barnard haul of titles continued with Corbie Barnard taking the Senior title. Ethan Lord took the Colt title. Sadly no ladies or juniors shot a qualifying 6 competitions.

The Veterans competition was particularly close, being determined in the final, all-round, competition. Gary Thatcher’s 514 was closely followed by Richard Croft on 513 and Tim Jones on 512.

The full results table can be seen here.