Welcome to 2025

The new committee has been hard at work organising the year’s County Championships. You can see all fixtures here. UT shooters – beware! UT is first on 16th February at Nuthampstead.

Also this website hasn’t updated its images for a while: if you have any photographs of Cambridgeshire shooters in action or anything else you think would make good banner images for the site, please get the consent of anyone featured and then forward the images to webmaster@cambridgeshirecpsa.co.uk


The Cambs 2025 AGM took place on 14 January 2025.  There were only 11 Cambridgeshire members in attendance, including Committee members.  John Martin (East-Midlands representative) attended along with faithful companion Kenji.  Thank you to all those who attended.   A number of the 2024 Committee members had indicated they wished to stand down, including Tim and Jane Jones (Chair and Secretary), as a number of the Committee members had already  had to stand down during 2024, this left only 2 committee members.  Under CPSA statutes, a quorum of 5 members is required for a county Committee to operate.  In order for the Cambridgeshire Committee not to fold that night, Jane and Tim Jones agreed to continue as Chair and Secretary, respectively,  and P Barnard also agreed to join the Committee achieving the quorum of 5.  A committee of 5 is small and Tim and Jane said that they would not be able to commit as much time to activities as they had in 2024. Other members then kindly, but not without some reluctance,  put their names forward to be on the Committee so that the responsibilities of organising, overseeing and attending the various shoots could be spread.  Members of the Committee spend a lot of time organising county competitions and trying to get teams for inter-county competitions but few shooters are willing to participate and it can be particularly difficult getting teams together.

The 2025 Committee members are:

T Jones (Chair), J Lewis (Vice-Chair), G Thatcher (Treasurer), J Jones (Secretary), P Barnard, J Bell, L Carter-Gifford, K Flitton, A Oakey.

Dates have been arranged for the following 2025 Cambs Championship shoots:

UT          –              Sunday 16 February      –              Nuthampstead

HBD      –              Sunday 2 March              –              Priory

ABT        –              Sunday 9 March              –              Nuthampstead

OT          –              Sunday 23 March           –              Nuthampstead

Please can holders of the 2024 trophies remember to take them back on the day of the shoot or arrange to hand to a committee member before the Championship date if they will not be attending.

The dates and venues of the remaining County Championship shoots will be put on the Cambs CPSA Facebook and Website once they have been arranged.

The Committee hope that members will support as many of the county championship shoots as possible and look forward to catching up with everyone throughout the year.


The 2025 Cambridgeshire CPSA AGM will be held on Tuesday 14 January 2025 at 7.30pm at Haddenham Sports and Social Club.

We are looking for more people to join the Committee.  Please would anyone interested in joining the Committee put their name forward to the Chairman (Tim Jones) or Secretary (Jane Jones).  Nominations will also be taken at the AGM. Keepsake trophies will be presented to the 2024 Championship winners and Supreme Champions. I hope that many of you will be able to come along to support the evening and look forward to seeing you then

Cambridgeshire Supreme Champion 2024

Those who have been following the results will not be surprised to learn that Phil Barnard has won the Supreme Champion title – something he has achieved every year of the competition since 2019. This year he managed to average a remarkable 92.5 across 6 disciplines! Tim Jones takes the Veterans’ title.

No Seniors (other than Phil), Ladies, Juniors or Colts shot the qualifying six county championships – something to aim for in 2025 perhaps?

Full details here.

Cambridgeshire Single Barrel 2024

Well that’s the last of the Cambridgeshire championships for 2024 done. Well shot to all the winners. Our thanks go to all the grounds that held our championships this year; the committee is looking forward to sorting out the next year’s.

Special thanks go to The Priory for holding the majority of them for us this year.

Cambridgeshire ChampionPaul Neal95
Men’s ChampionPhil Barnard85
Veterans’ ChampionGary Thatcher84
Ladies & JuniorsNot contested
Single Barrel Results

Full results here

A busy weekend!

Well that was a very busy weekend for us all! There was the inter counties FITASC at Sporting Targets: Cambridgeshire seniors got Runners Up, and Cambridgeshire shooters got both Junior High Gun (Ben Jordan, 88) and overall High Gun (Harry Seal, 92).

We didn’t enter any shooters for the national inter counties competitions held at Bywell for DTL (Sun) and ABT (Sat), but we did have the Cambs OSK and Double Rise somewhat closer to hand at The Priory.

Making the choice to be at any of the events was a bit of a challenge – thanks to all that attended!

Cambridgeshire OSK and Double Rise 2024

Thanks go to the priory for sorting the Olympic Skeet (OSK) and the Double Rise this weekend, 6th October 2024

A gusty wind made all the targets a bit tricky at times, but at least it stayed dry and even occasionally a bit sunny.

Full results here OSK and D/R

Olympic Skeet

Cambridgeshire ChampionChris Cheng41 ex 50
Mens’ ChampionPhil Barnard34
Vets’ ChampionTim Jones21
Ladies, Juniors, ColtsNot contested

Double Rise

Cambridgeshire ChampionPhil Barnard82
Men’s and Veterans’ (after shoot-off)Tim Jones74
Ladies’Georgina Chamberlain50
Juniors, ColtsNot contested

Chris Cheng, OSK Champion

Cambridgeshire Handicap by Distance 2024

29th September 2024

We were back again to have the handicap by distance at The Priory Clay Target Centre this is a fairly new competition for Cambridgeshire, but has been going for the last 3 years so a fair attendance. The birds were looking great till we all shot them – seems its not as easy as we all think! Scores were very close all over.

Thanks to priory for setting it all up for us and looking after us all again.

Cambridgeshire ChampionI Larman86/253
Veterans’ ChampionTim Jones87/252
Ladies’ ChampionJane Bell82/241

Full results here

Thanks to all for attending.

Ladies triumph at East Midlands I/C DTL

Wow – that was a very wet day for all those who were shooting the EM IC DTL today at Nottingham. So many shooters came out to brave the heavy rains, and wind today. No sun for even a moment.

Cambridgeshire Ladies were on top form today, with combined scores of 549/600 awarding them the winning score for Ladies on the day – massive well done to Georgina, Hazel and Jane for their efforts on such a tough day.

Congratulations to all of the shooters today, fantastic scores, and a thank you of course for waking up this morning, seeing the weather, but still joining us at Notts.

Thank you also goes out to Nottingham & District Gun Club / Nottingham Clay Shooting for hosting such a big event, to your referees and your staff who have also had to persevere.

Thank you to Janet for presenting such beautiful glassware for such a difficult day.

Well done all. Tough day, but many a happy face once all was done.


Cambridgeshire All-Round 2024

We started back with the All Round on the Sunday 14th July 2024. Seemed like summer had finally arrived with bright sunshine and almost no wind – just a gentle breeze to help keep your temperature down to a reasonable level. Not the entry we were properly hoping for, but with great targets and a sunny day we all seemed to enjoy the competition.

Thanks to priory for hosting once again and providing us with great targets to test us all.

Cambridgeshire ChampionPhil Barnard92
Vets’ & Mens’Gary Thatcher90 + countback
Ladies’ & Juniors’not contested
AAnot contested
APhil Barnard92
BTim Jones90
Cnot contested

Full results here