27th April 2024
The Young Shooters Day took place today at The Priory CTC. Not the warmest of days but an enjoyable one. The purpose of the day was to give young shooters the opportunity to try different disciplines to the ones they generally shoot. They started off with a round of skeet and then moved on to DTL and then tried their hand at ABT, with surprisingly good results for shooting this challenging discipline for the first time. The day finished with another round of skeet. All those taking part shot very well and the scores picked up through the day showing that they had taken on board the tips of those helping to run the day.
Thanks go to Marcus Lord and Ian Larman who very kindly provided all the cartridges for the participants. Thank you to all the coaches and helpers on the day and to members of the Cambs Committee for organising the event and to the CPSA who provided some merchandise which I added to with some towels and gun barrel sleeves. Our thanks also Natasha, Aaron and John at The Priory for hosting and supporting the event.
I hope that the young shooters who took part enjoyed the day and gained an insight and confidence in disciplines new to them and hope to see them at future shoots.