Cambridgeshire OSK and Double Rise 2024

Thanks go to the priory for sorting the Olympic Skeet (OSK) and the Double Rise this weekend, 6th October 2024

A gusty wind made all the targets a bit tricky at times, but at least it stayed dry and even occasionally a bit sunny.

Full results here OSK and D/R

Olympic Skeet

Cambridgeshire ChampionChris Cheng41 ex 50
Mens’ ChampionPhil Barnard34
Vets’ ChampionTim Jones21
Ladies, Juniors, ColtsNot contested

Double Rise

Cambridgeshire ChampionPhil Barnard82
Men’s and Veterans’ (after shoot-off)Tim Jones74
Ladies’Georgina Chamberlain50
Juniors, ColtsNot contested

Chris Cheng, OSK Champion

Cambridgeshire OSK

Well there was a few very silly shooters turned up for the Olympic Skeet at Priory. The targets seemed to disappear into the other field all on their own – partly due to the wind. It was quite cold to boot but we mostly seemed to enjoy being out! It shows you need to do quite a bit more of this style of shooting to be any good at it.

Overall champion R Croft

Veterans champion G Thatcher

No ladies or juniors

Honourable mention: Tim Jones.

Full results, showing how hard it is.

Cambridgeshire OSK Champs 2021

Held at the Priory on 18th July 2021, report from Tim Jones:

Cambridgeshire Champion – Chris Cheng 35ex50 on countback.

Veteran’s Champion [oh, so close: webmaster]– Tim Jones 35ex50

Thanks to the Priory for holding it, and the scorer for their patience.

Chris Cheng

Full results here

Cambs Olympic Skeet 2020

ChampionHenry Sperring39
VeteransTim Jones28
SeniorAshley Smith24
LadiesAmelia Smith24
Scores ex 50
Henry Sperring holding his champion's badge
Henry Sperring

Congratulations to Henry Sperring; still a Junior and overall Champion, as well as being on the Team GB Talent Pathway. Well shot, great to watch you shoot it. Thanks to the Priory for another great shoot.

Cambridgshire Olympic Skeet Championship

Priory Shooting Ground, 2nd April 2017

This year for the first time it was being held at Priory Shooting Ground at Sutton Bridge in Lincolnshire.

 Not a shoot for the faint hearted, it takes a special type of dedication as with most Olympic disciplines. We have just that type of person in Cambridgeshire in Freddy Killander. The proof if you need any, is to look at the averages in “Pull” at the start of the year.
10 Cambridgeshire Shooters had booked in – well 11 if you count me, but I didn’t feel up to it so called off. 21 shooters in total, a very good entry for this shoot. It was also the East Midlands and Notts Championships. The Notts shooters found something else to do on the day and so were a no show.
Some Cambs shooters shot early and had gone by the time I arrived on the ground, but I was in time to watch Freddy in action and that was well worth the journey . He also had 4 other Cambs shooters on his squad including the skeet manager for this year, Don Green, without whom I doubt if we would have had such a good turnout as he worked hard to get them to attend. Don also did what he does best by entertaining the shooters taking part.
As expected Freddy shot very well, not just taking the Cambs Championship, but also the East Midlands – and not for the first time I might add. The next squad out included Philip Smith who took the County Vets title, as he did last year. Most of our shooters enjoyed the shoot, the ground was well run and is well worth a visit. Thanks to all at the Priory.

Freddy Killander – County and East Midlands Champion

Cambridgeshire results are shown below.  Full results here
Killander F 118987 Cambridgeshire 100 89 0 A SNR
Smith PH 853 Cambridgeshire 100 66 0 D SVT
Baker R 8267 Cambridgeshire 100 55 0 C VET
Pereira J 128244 Cambridgeshire 100 49 0 SNR
Jones T 29151 Cambridgeshire 100 47 0 D VET
Adams M 126882 Cambridgeshire 100 39 0 SNR
Manchett S 110886 Cambridgeshire 100 38 0 SNR
Whitworth M 134623 Cambridgeshire 100 37 0 VET
Green DC 121761 Cambridgeshire 100 31 0 VET
Randall TR 71003 Cambridgeshire 100 30 0 D SVT