Supreme Champion 2019

For a number of years, Cambridgeshire has awarded a trophy for the best shooter aggregated across the different disciplines. This year, the committee has decided to change the rules to encourage more shooters to take part

For reference, last year’s table is here. Want to go to the scores so far? Jump to Leaderboard.

New Rules for the Cambridgehire CPSA Supreme Champion

Qualifying Events

The annual competition for Supreme Cambridgeshire County Champion will be held over nine qualifying County Championship events held in that year namely:

  • English Sporting
  • Sportrap
  • All Round
  • English Skeet
  • Skeet Doubles
  • Down the line
  • Single Barrel
  • Automatic Ball Trap
  • Double Rise


The six best scores of each competitor are taken into account. Scores will be recorded on a kills-to-count basis as recorded on the CPSA website. Any qualifying event shot over less than or more than 100 targets will be recorded as a percentage.


In the event of tied scores, the winner will be the person who had achieved the highest number of championship wins. If this process still results in a tie, the number of each competitor’s second place scores will be used and this process will, where necessary, be repeated with third place scores until there is an outright winner.


Every County shooter competing in the Supreme Championship will also be entered into a category:

  • Colts
  • Juniors
  • Ladies
  • Seniors
  • Veterans

So that first place awards in the categories can be made. Awards for first place in category will be decided over any six of the nine qualifying championship events listed above. The definition of each category is as set-out in the general rules of the CPSA, except that, for the purposes of this competition,

a Lady is defined as being a female over 21 years of age at the time of shooting any of the qualifying events.

Also for the purpose of this competition,

a Lady Colt or Lady Junior can opt to shoot in the Ladies category so long as written notice is given to the Committee prior to their first qualifying shoot.
A Senior is a male of over 21 and less than 60 years of age at the time of shooting any of the qualifying events.

Scores for first in category will be recorded on a kills-to-count basis as set-out above in relation to the overall Supreme Championship, and, in the event of a tie, the winner will be determined as set-out above in relation to the overall Supreme Championship. The award of overall Supreme Champion will make that person ineligible for a category award.

It will be the responsibility of each shooter to check that his or her scores are correct and to report the discrepancy as soon as possible to for correction. The Supreme Champion Trophy is a perpetual trophy. Category awards will be annual. The Supreme Championship trophy and the category awards will be presented at the AGM.

Below are the final adjusted scores for 2019 Supreme Champion. It has only just been brought to our attention that there was an error – many apologies. Please PLEASE contact the if you see something again – if we don’t know about it, we cant do anything to correct it!

2019 Supreme Champion Phil Barnard

Seniors Champion Chris Morris

Vets Champion Richard Croft

Ladies Champion Amelia Smith

Colts Champion Ethan Lord

Name ABT A/R D/R DTL ESK ESP S/B SKD STR RawTotal AdjTotal
Philip Barnard EE34389 86 78 80 92 92 82 95 97 89 791 551
Christopher Morris EE103791 87 83 88 97 82 76 97 610 534
Paul Ward EE47976 93 85 71 98 81 83 82 89 682 530
Ashley Smith EE137766 87 78 58 92 92 51 88 80 626 517
Richard Croft EE103839 87 80 61 95 86 75 90 78 652 516
Timothy Jones EE29151 86 74 79 94 93 74 88 588 514
Corbie Barnard EE120378 84 79 68 97 80 79 75 562 494
Marcus Lord EE138715 73 64 92 86 79 87 73 554 490
Gary Thatcher EE136910 83 64 89 84 62 84 466 466
Amelia Smith EE137858 74 53 47 86 80 63 88 68 559 459
Richard Morris EE111934 85 76 88 98 92 439 439
Ethan Lord EE138716 56 52 77 86 70 60 75 476 424
Roger Fletcher EE105141 71 82 90 63 90 396 396
Mark Adams EE126882 87 81 87 74 65 394 394
Chris Hall EE133820 80 60 62 96 85 383 383
Brian Dunbavin EE84275 91 77 87 91 346 346
Matthew Sheldrake EE129704 94 71 70 98 333 333
Jason Pereira EE128244 67 89 84 87 327 327
Malcolm Collins EE111404 82 73 84 87 326 326
Jamie Harding EE72207 80 72 81 86 319 319
Samuel Halls EE139175 68 93 56 82 299 299
Michael Whitworth EE134623 67 70 70 85 292 292
Peter Simpson EE8574 89 80 79 248 248
James Yarrow EE133250 88 72 86 246 246
Alan Stronge EE89952 76 84 79 239 239
John Wan EE73955 66 44 47 74 231 231
Tony Randall EE71003 65 48 77 190 190
Stephen Eley EE125207 86 94 180 180
Albert Taylor EE118869 88 91 179 179
Matthew Bedford EE99093 89 88 177 177
Glen Spalding EE107153 89 88 177 177
Shaun Smith EE137255 90 86 176 176
James Bailey EE133354 89 87 176 176
Jolian Harrison EE140396 89 82 171 171
Peter Cook EE5051 83 87 170 170
Allan Wright EE100 87 82 169 169
Darren Stanford EE132642 82 87 169 169
Robert Allen EE120278 80 87 167 167
Brian Jacobs EE56060 81 79 160 160
Julian Berridge EE138382 83 74 157 157
Tony Leonard EE88361 74 80 154 154
Adam Barker EE136638 77 75 152 152
David Ivey EE27473 85 65 150 150
Gordon EE49332 70 78 148 148
Henry Sperring EE139173 60 83 143 143
Dave Hewitt-Hulin EE67137 71 72 143 143
Graham Brooksbank EE139701 58 71 129 129
Taylor Hedgecock EE116977 97 97 97
Ami Hedgecock EE132337 92 92 92
Peter Wright EE48500 92 92 92
Michele Conway EE1000 92 92 92
Mark Bowes EE109720 91 91 91
Michael Smith EE131445 91 91 91
John Russell EE11796 88 88 88
Peter Garrod EE48264 88 88 88
Alistair Green EE110401 87 87 87
Justin Bladen EE73741 87 87 87
Alan Tyte EE118844 87 87 87
Harry Seal EE107556 87 87 87
Elizabeth Green EE110402 86 86 86
Matthew Newman EE136147 86 86 86
Hazel Whiten EE111933 86 86 86
John King EE53876 85 85 85
Paul Washington EE138921 84 84 84
Stuart Lambert EE88770 83 83 83
Christopher Cheng EE132838 81 81 81
Kieran Carter EE134539 80 80 80
Archie Bowman EE132368 79 79 79
Iain Green EE134300 78 78 78
Donald Green EE121761 76 76 76
Craig Nunn EE123558 76 76 76
Stephen Coningsby EE71206 76 76 76
Clive Norman EE123231 76 76 76
Elliot Raymond EE136148 75 75 75
Dennis Pettitt EE2009 73 73 73
James Sharpstone EE83454 73 73 73
Patrick Moore EE97684 72 72 72
Mandy Webb EE134056 69 69 69
Stephen Malyon EE100021 69 69 69
Gavin Ashford EE139659 67 67 67
Jon Wareing EE136959 66 66 66
William Noble EE141328 66 66 66
Paul Raymond EE139170 64 64 64
Kevin Pilcher EE128398 63 63 63
Jason Garside EE140689 62 62 62
Robert Ratford EE29170 53 53 53
Malcolm Shuter EE119335 52 52 52
Kevin Burke EE141337 51 51 51