Cambs Sporting Cambridge Gun Club 12th & 13th September 2020

Well we’ve had a busy weekend this week; the Cambridgeshire sporting at Cambridge Gun Club (CGC) Sat and Sun. Both really nice, warm, sunny days – perfect for shooting clays. Thanks to CGCfor putting it on for us and to all the refs that helped out over the weekend. Lots of people from all counties came to support the event, so thanks go to all who shot. Hope you all enjoyed it whatever you scored.

County champion T Hedgecock  95 + AAclass

Men’s champion PC Simpson  91

Veterans’ champion PC Simpson  91

Ladies’ champion G Moule  85

Juniors’ champion A Hedgecock  81

Colts’ champion MR Allen 80

A class AP Tyte

B class JB Hedgecock

C class MR Allen

NIC Skeet Team Squads

Hi Folks, I am pleased to announce the Cambridgeshire Teams and shooting times for the National ESK competition at Northampton on Saturday 17th October 2020.
Michele Conway (L)
James Yarrow (S)
Gary Thatcher (V) B Team
Tim Jones (V)
Pete Cook (V)
Phil Barnard (S)
Marcus Lord (S)
Ethan Lord (J)
Ami Hedgecock (J)
Corbie Barnard (S) B Team
Albert Taylor (S) B Team
Roger Fletcher (V)
Julian Berridge (J)
Ashley Smith (S)
Richard Croft (V) B Team 
Paul Washington (S) B Team
Marcus Webb (V) B Team 
Mandy Webb (L)
If there any problems please contact me on 07860 813754.
Good luck to all the teams and I look forward to seeing you there.
Roger Fletcher  Skeet Team Manager

Squads for NIC All Round Northampton (Sywell) 20th September 2020

All Round at Northampton 20th Sept 2020,

T Jones Vet A
G Thatcher Vet A
R Croft Vet A
Ash Smith Sen
C Hall Sen
S Eley Vet B
T R Randall Vet B
R Fletcher Vet B
Amelia Smith Ladies
S Christensen Ladies
3.40pm There Is A Possibility This May Be Changed To 2.40pm
Will Notify Asap If Any Changes.
P C Barnard Sen
M Lord Sen
E Lord Sen
C Barnard Sen
Please note the new covid restrictions will be in place so try to be aware of them for your safety and others thank you shoot well and enjoy it see you there.