Cambs ABT – 27th & 28th September 2018 – Priory CTC

Some more very good shooting took place, bearing in mind all the shooters taking part could be classed as part time ABT Shooters doing it only a few times a year, but you wouldn’t know it as the standard was top drawer.  Also added to the fact that many had to travel from here to Northampton and some the other way on the same day to take part in the Intercounties All Round.

L>R Ethan Lord, Tim Jones, Hazel Whiten & Phil Barnard

One such shooter was Philip Barnard on the last squad of the day but this didn’t stop him from posting a 93 and the winning score just pipping Richard Morris by 1 and Paul Ward by 2.  Richard Morris took the Senior title so didn’t go home empty handed. So that was 93/92/91, how close was that !!  Paul Ward shot the only 25 straight as well.  Well shot gents. The ladies went to Hazel Whiten who did on the way overcome all the other top ladies in Cambridgeshire getting an 80, (just pipping me), well shot Hazel. The Vets was taken by Tim Jones with an 87 and Tim was at one point on 48 from the first 50. The Colts was taken by the ever improving 12 year old, Ethan Lord, with a 65 using a 20 bore semi firing only one shot, very impressive.   Well done all of you and many thanks to Priory for their hospitality.

[Thanks to Allan Wright for the report]

Cambridgeshire ABT

The Cambridgeshire ABT held on the 1/10/17 this was held at Cambridge Gun Club, This was a hard fought battle and didn’t sort itself out until the later stages of the day. Only 4 targets separated the top 5 shooters at the end of the day but the top man was Chris Morris with a 93 The runner up on 91 Philip Barnard even shot a 20 to help Chris on his way.  Only one 25 straight was recorded and that was by a previous Cambridgeshire Shooter Paul Neal just to show he doesn’t just do DTL.

Well shot Chris again.

Name CPSA No. Targets Hits Class Category
Morris CAJ 103791 100 93 C SNR
Barnard PJ 34389 100 91 A SNR
Morris R 111934 100 89 B SNR
Cheng C 132838 100 87 SNR
Whiten H 111933 100 85 D LDY
Collins MD 111404 100 81 C VET
Jones T 29151 100 81 C VET
Russell JD 11796 100 79 C VET
Christensen D 106106 100 77 C SNR
Randall TR 71003 100 73 D VET
Manchett S 110886 100 72 D SNR
Barnard C 120378 100 71 D SNR
Adams M 126882 100 71 SNR
Whitworth M 134623 100 69 VET
Pereira J 128244 100 65 SNR

Full scores including non-Cambridgeshire shooters are here.