Cambridgeshire ABT

The Cambridgeshire ABT held on the 1/10/17 this was held at Cambridge Gun Club, This was a hard fought battle and didn’t sort itself out until the later stages of the day. Only 4 targets separated the top 5 shooters at the end of the day but the top man was Chris Morris with a 93 The runner up on 91 Philip Barnard even shot a 20 to help Chris on his way.  Only one 25 straight was recorded and that was by a previous Cambridgeshire Shooter Paul Neal just to show he doesn’t just do DTL.

Well shot Chris again.

Name CPSA No. Targets Hits Class Category
Morris CAJ 103791 100 93 C SNR
Barnard PJ 34389 100 91 A SNR
Morris R 111934 100 89 B SNR
Cheng C 132838 100 87 SNR
Whiten H 111933 100 85 D LDY
Collins MD 111404 100 81 C VET
Jones T 29151 100 81 C VET
Russell JD 11796 100 79 C VET
Christensen D 106106 100 77 C SNR
Randall TR 71003 100 73 D VET
Manchett S 110886 100 72 D SNR
Barnard C 120378 100 71 D SNR
Adams M 126882 100 71 SNR
Whitworth M 134623 100 69 VET
Pereira J 128244 100 65 SNR

Full scores including non-Cambridgeshire shooters are here.