Cambridgeshire Sportrap 2024

Sporting Targets 19th May 2024

We were at Sporting Targets today for the Cambridgeshire Sportrap. After a short spell of morning fog, the sun came out to give us all a wonderful bright and sunny day – perfect for shooting. Great range of targets were before us, but the combinations made some harder than they looked at first sight. Well done to all the competitors.

Our thanks once again go to the scorers and staff for the organisation and help to make the shoot a success – thanks to you all.

County ChampionR Allen91
Men’s ChampionC Jarvis85
Vet’s ChampionT Leonard80
Junior ChampionM Allen78
Colt’s ChampionB Jorden79
Ladies’ ChampionNo entrants

Full results on the CPSA website here.

Cambridgeshire English Sporting 2024

Sporting Targets, 6th May 2024

To top it all off for the bank holiday weekend we held the Cambridgeshire sporting at Sporting Targets on Monday good sunshine for the most of the day just a slight drizzle at the end of the day to catch the last of the squads.

Thanks to all the staff and refs for making it a successful day.

County Champion + AA Class + JuniorsH Dickens89
MensM Stevenson85
VeteransM Bowes83
LadiesL Stevenson67
A ClassD Hewitt-Hulin82
B ClassC Morris76
C ClassJ Lewis73

Full results on the CPSA website here

Cambridgeshire English Skeet 2024

Priory Clay Target Centre, 4/5th May 2024

The weekend of 4th and the 5th of May was probably the best weekend of the year (so far) and the weather was ideal i.e. sunny, dry, little wind on the Saturday, hardly any on the Sunday, for the Cambridgeshire 2024 English Skeet Championship kindly hosted by the Priory Clay Target Centre at Sutton Bridge, Lincolnshire.

Very good scores were recorded on both days by most participants with Albert Taylor achieving the championship title with a fantastic score of 99, well done Albert – also netting him the A Class Trophy

Philip Barnard took both the “AA” Class title along with the Men’s shield with a score of 97.

Peter Cook won the Veteran’s trophy with a 96.

“B” Class winner was Cambridgeshire CPSA Chairman Tim Jones also on 96.

“C” Class was won by Tony Randall with an 88.

Sadly no ladies or juniors entered.

The Lincolnshire Skeet Championship was also held on this weekend and the Bev Waller perpetual trophy was contested by both Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire top shooters Albert Taylor, Tony Woodrow and Doug Moore with Doug emerging victorious after a tense shoot off.

Thanks very much to the Priory Clay Target Centre for an excellent shoot, all of the staff and the referees for a very well-run competition.

Mike Williams.

Full results on the CPSA website here.

2024 Young Shooters Day

27th April 2024

The Young Shooters Day took place today at The Priory CTC. Not the warmest of days but an enjoyable one. The purpose of the day was to give young shooters the opportunity to try different disciplines to the ones they generally shoot. They started off with a round of skeet and then moved on to DTL and then tried their hand at ABT, with surprisingly good results for shooting this challenging discipline for the first time. The day finished with another round of skeet. All those taking part shot very well and the scores picked up through the day showing that they had taken on board the tips of those helping to run the day.

Thanks go to Marcus Lord and Ian Larman who very kindly provided all the cartridges for the participants. Thank you to all the coaches and helpers on the day and to members of the Cambs Committee for organising the event and to the CPSA who provided some merchandise which I added to with some towels and gun barrel sleeves. Our thanks also Natasha, Aaron and John at The Priory for hosting and supporting the event.

I hope that the young shooters who took part enjoyed the day and gained an insight and confidence in disciplines new to them and hope to see them at future shoots.


Cambridgeshire Skeet Doubles 2024

Priory Clay Target Centre, 27/28th April 2024

27th and 28th April saw Cambs back at Priory CTC for the SKD County Championship.  

There were some good scores despite challenging conditions particularly on the Sunday. 

Congratulations to Ethan Lord who won the Championship with an excellent 99.  Adam Hallybone won the Men’s and Albert Taylor the Vets’.

Full results on the CPSA website here.

A massive thank you to all at Priory for hosting the shoot and to the referees.

Ethan Lord

Cambridgeshire DTL 2024

21st April

Today Cambs were at the The Priory Clay Target Centre for a joint DTL county shoot alongside Norfolk. Familiar faces, and even the sun, occasionally, were seen out and about.

It was windy, which made targets very challenging, but some great scores were still entered by the end of the day, well done all.

For those who shot today, teams for the Intercounties DTL will be announced later in the year.

Congratulations to:

Phil Barnard Overall Champion and AA class
Gary Thatcher takes Vet’s,
Hazel Morris takes Ladies’, and B class
Richard Morris takes Men’s.
Chris Morris A class
Ian Larman C class

Full results on the CPSA website here

Massive thank you to The Priory for hosting again, as well as our thanks to the referees.

Cambridgeshire ZZ/Helice 2024

Rugby and District Trap Club, 13th April 2024

On Sunday the 13th April we held the county Helice at Rugby – sharing the fixture with both the East Midlands championship and Lincolnshire’s, so a reasonable entry was always on the cards. The day was a nice sunny day with a few clouds about at times making some of the targets hard to see, but the dividing factor was the wind blowing from behind to make the targets very fast going away from you. An enjoyable day, if not a bit tricky for most.

Kevin Flitton took the Cambridgeshire and East Midlands titles with 18ex24

Jane Bell took the Ladies’ and Veterans’ titles in Cambridgeshire and the EM Ladies’ title with 13

Andrew Oakey was just one target behind to take Cambridgeshire Men’s and EM Vets’ titles on 12

Our thanks go to the staff from Rugby and D Jenkins for the running of the event and providing the trappers. Full results on the CPSA website here

Cambridgeshire FITASC Championship 2024

Sporting Targets, 5-7th April 2024

We held the FITASC sporting on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of April at Sporting Targets. For us as its a long time since we last held the championship there, but it’s an excellent ground for sporting disciplines.

Some very high winds which made some difficult targets a bit harder than was expected but at the end of the day some very good scores came out of the 3 days.

Thanks to the staff and scorers for all their work in making this event work so well and to the kitchen staff for keeping us all fed. Good shooting is far better if you all seem to enjoy it come what may.

Cambridgeshire Champion Mark Stevenson  89
Men’s & Vets’ champion Tony Leonard. 88
Juniors’ champion Harry Dickens 87

No ladies this year

Thanks to all that came and shot teams will be sorted and put up on Facebook (and possibly even here) later for the regional inter-counties and nationals.

Full results on the CPSA website here.

Young Shooters’ Day

Saturday 27 April 2024 at 10.30am

Priory Clay Target Ground

Further to previous postings, the Cambridgeshire CPSA Committee is pleased to confirm that it will be holding a Young Shooters Day at Priory Clay Target Shooting Ground on Saturday 27 April 2024 at 10.30am.

The purpose of the day is to encourage young Shooters (colts and juniors under the age of 21) to come along and try shooting different disciplines.  Experienced shooters, coaches and team captains will be on hand to give guidance and advice.

On the day you will have the opportunity to try DTL, ABT and ESK.  

The day is for Cambridgeshire shooters only and for those who already have some experience of shooting and access to their own gun. It will not be possible to provide guns on the day.

Refreshments will be available to purchase on the day from the club house.

To register your interest in attending the day and to book a place please email or  Facebook message Tim Jones with your name and contact details by 31 March 2024.