Cambs ZZ Helice Rugby & District Trap Club

That’s the last of Cambs championships done now it was a really dull and drizzly sort of day the light was a real problem for picking the targets out. There were only 4 Cambs turned out for this, but we had a good competition between ourselves. The outcome was decided on the last bird with Tim Jones missing the last bird for a shoot of for the title but left him in place for the vets on the same total as Jane Bell, who was the ladies title winner. As the light was now going to low we decided not to shoot off for the vets title and would share for this year.

Kevin Flitton, Tim Jones & Jane Bell winners ZZ 2019

K Flitton 21

T Jones   20J

Bbell       20

A Oakey  14

Thanks for all the staff at Rugby again for a well run shoot