Cambridgeshire Double Rise

The Cambridgeshire Double Rise championship was held at Cambridge Gun Club on 10th September 2017.  This was a windy old day that made it fun to watch if not to shoot.  This was a close match and could have gone any way, with 3 shooters not that far apart: Phil Barnard, Richard Morris and Matt Sheldrake.  At the end of the day Phil Barnard came out top with 84. Hazel Whiten won the Ladies and Tim Jones the Vets:

Name CPSA No. Targets Hits Class Category
Barnard PJ 34389 100 84 AA SNR
Morris R 111934 100 81 AA SNR
Sheldrake M 129704 100 79 AA SNR
Jones T 29151 100 76 AA VET
Wright PR 48500 100 73 A SNR
Pereira J 128244 100 67 SNR
Jacobs BJ 56060 100 65 B VET
Morris CAJ 103791 100 65 AA SNR
Whiten H 111933 100 64 A LDY
Grant JR 90057 100 62 C VET
Randall TR 71003 100 54 A VET
Wan JWW 73955 100 50 B VET
Whitworth M 134623 100 49 VET

Full scores including non-Cambridgeshire shooters are here.