Cambridgeshire All Round

April 15th & 16th The Cambridgeshire All Round Championship.
This is the second Championship of the year closely following on from the Olympic Skeet but as expected this one was much more popular with the Cambs faithful.
The All Round as per its title consists of some of the most popular CPSA disciplines:
  • Single Barrel, derived from DTL, but only one shot is permitted
  • ABT two shots are allowed but only scored as one point whatever shot hits the target
  • English Skeet; and
  • English Sporting,

and so the total is out of 100.

As we know the cream will always rise to the top, so even on a windy cold weekend, that was what happened with a score of 88: just 12 away can’t be bad. This is what Taylor Hedgecock shot, to become County All Round Champion. There was a chasing pack lead by last year’s Champion Philip Barnard who shot 87, how close is that?

The ladies went to Elizabeth Cook (last year’s Champion) and the Colts to Archie Bowman (again last year’s Champion). The Vets went to Gordon Webster showing his class, and the Juniors also went to Taylor Hedgecock.

Many thanks to Cambridge Gun Club for a very good enjoyable day.

[Thanks to Allan Wright for the report]

All Round Winners
Some of the All-Round winners, and the County Chair

Cambridgeshire results shown below.  Full results here

Hedgecock T 116977 Cambridgeshire 100 88 0 A JNR
Barnard PJ 34389 Cambridgeshire 100 87 0 A SNR
Adams M 126882 Cambridgeshire 100 85 0 C SNR
Bedford M 99093 Cambridgeshire 100 85 0 B SNR
Valentine GW 91250 Cambridgeshire 100 85 0 A SNR
Webster G 56662 Cambridgeshire 100 84 0 A VET
Morris R 111934 Cambridgeshire 100 83 0 A SNR
Mennie D 113616 Cambridgeshire 100 83 0 B SNR
Hewitt-Hulin DJ 67137 Cambridgeshire 100 80 0 AA SNR
Mawby D 125318 Cambridgeshire 100 80 0 A JNR
Jones T 29151 Cambridgeshire 100 80 0 A VET
Kirby S 95341 Cambridgeshire 100 79 0 AA SNR
Morris CAJ 103791 Cambridgeshire 100 79 0 A SNR
Dunbavin BJ 84275 Cambridgeshire 100 79 0 AA VET
Collins MD 111404 Cambridgeshire 100 79 0 A VET
Kester NG 73738 Cambridgeshire 100 77 0 A VET
Wan JWW 73955 Cambridgeshire 100 76 0 C VET
Stronge AJ 89952 Cambridgeshire 100 76 0 A VET
Eley S 125207 Cambridgeshire 100 76 0 C SNR
Nunn C 123558 Cambridgeshire 100 76 0 B SNR
Barnard C 120378 Cambridgeshire 100 75 0 C SNR
Wong WK 74081 Cambridgeshire 100 73 0 B SNR
Cook E 128251 Cambridgeshire 100 73 0 C LDY
Pereira J 128244 Cambridgeshire 100 73 0 C SNR
Jacobs BJ 56060 Cambridgeshire 100 71 0 C VET
Bailey J 133354 Cambridgeshire 100 69 0 B SNR
Pilcher KDA 128398 Cambridgeshire 100 68 0 C SNR
Whitworth M 134623 Cambridgeshire 100 67 0 C VET
Allen R 120278 Cambridgeshire 100 66 0 A SNR
Bowman A 132368 Cambridgeshire 100 66 0 C CLT
Randall TR 71003 Cambridgeshire 100 63 0 B VET
Manchett S 110886 Cambridgeshire 100 62 0 B SNR
Bowman N 32252 Cambridgeshire 100 59 0 SNR
Boatman RD 85857 Cambridgeshire 100 39 0 SNR