Today, 19th March 2023, was the day for the reintroduction of HBD – Handicap by distance. Held at The Priory Clay Target Centre, today saw Cambridgeshire and the East Midlands hold their HBD with a big turnout. Weather was reasonable, no rain, not too windy. When the sun did say hi, although brief, it was like standing in front of a heat lamp!
The Priory did a fantastic job of hosting, well organised and was, as always, a very welcoming ground. We thank them all, including the referees of course, for a well run day.
Cambridgeshire results:
High Gun: Bruce Cain with 96/280
Seniors: Christopher Morris with 94/276
Vets: Gary Thatcher with 94/274
Ladies: Jane Bell with 94/273
Juniors: Connor Hodson 78/220
Well shot to all who took part, great scores all round today.
Special thank you to Tim Jones for providing the brand new HBD trophies.
Hannah Hall, DTL Manager