The Feb 12th Committee Meeting agreed the following first draft of a list of what the committee responsibilities are. This is obviously still a work in progress and will be updated during the year

Item Deadline Normal Start Who
Book AGM Room October??? Sec
Appoint team captains First team championship First comm meet Committee
Invite grounds to tender for championships October Sec
Choose grounds for championships November Committee
Inform grounds and agreed dates for championships AGM January, post National/Region date publications Sec
Website updates Ongoing Webmaster
Take Committee notes Each meeting Sec
Publish committee notes On website With 2 days of meeting if possible Sec/Webmaster
Approve committee notes Corrections within 3 days of emailed minutes,
formal signoff at next meeting
Present trophies and take photos Nominated member
Locate trophies, ensure at championships Each championship - 7 days Trophy Sec
Collect levies On the day Presenting committee rep
Arrange range of clothing Clothing
Inform team members about clothing Clothing
Provide clothing Clothing
Collect payment for clothing Clothing
Order individual badges Sec
Distribute individual badges to presenters Clothing
Order team badges July???? (guessing) May Clothing
Distribute team badges August Team Managers
National I/C badges
Submit Pull! Column 22/02 21/03 24/04 22/05 20/06 23/07 21/08 26/09 14/11 Webmaster
East Midlands meetings EM Reps
Accounts Each meeting Treasurer
Budget Annual Treasurer